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Crassus 8:38 Mon Mar 23
Greg Dyke - wrong bloke wrong job
Mr Soundbite as I have said before is the gift that keeps giving to those that demean the FA

A gathering of fruitcake, self important, irrelevence lead by a lemon

The PL leadership must welcome the berks every word

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Any Old Iron 1:05 Tue Mar 24
Re: Greg Dyke - wrong bloke wrong job
Yes, Dyke is s waste of space. Anyone who makes the statement when running the BBC that it was 'hideously white', needs his head examining.
But on this occasion I agree with him. Just wonder why it's taken him so long to state the bleedin' obvious.
One thing that I find gratifying about our line up in most matches these days is that we generally field 6 or 7 Brits, most of them English. Long may it continue.

Sniper 11:49 Mon Mar 23
Re: Greg Dyke - wrong bloke wrong job
Maybe they should just enforce the current rules we have in place a bit more instead of bending over and allowing the big clubs to sign anyone they like.

gregan 11:15 Mon Mar 23
Re: Greg Dyke - wrong bloke wrong job
I'm assuming these new restrictions are in place in Italy, Spain, France & Germany where there are more homegrown players playing? No? Maybe those countries clubs want to win less so play their own players? Or maybe our homegrown players are not good enough FA?

Bright Eyes 9:35 Mon Mar 23
Re: Greg Dyke - wrong bloke wrong job

Crassus 9:23 Mon Mar 23

You're spot on, unfortunately.

Crassus 9:23 Mon Mar 23
Re: Greg Dyke - wrong bloke wrong job

He is not serious about anything than himself - facts are that the FA are frankly worth just that - FA

As each year passes the global game shifts to the club game and away from the national side - respective national representatives merely speed the slide

And that will be the undoing of FIFA ultimately - the chirade over which they preside will have been so devalued that no one will give a shit, as will the sponsors

Dyke take note

Bright Eyes 9:17 Mon Mar 23
Re: Greg Dyke - wrong bloke wrong job
I would've thought it would better having a rule that you must have an min amount of English player in your first team (5 for example?) rather than just trying to cap non- EU if they're serious about helping our national game.

Takashi Miike 8:53 Mon Mar 23
Re: Greg Dyke - wrong bloke wrong job
how much did the cunts spend on that new centre of excellence? wasn't that supposed to solve all our problems?

Crassus 8:51 Mon Mar 23
Re: Greg Dyke - wrong bloke wrong job
Hermit, fair point

His latest tirade is all about limiting non EU mercenary players which will of course promote mercenary EU players to even greater power

Bloke is a clown, driving the irrelevence of the FA further south

Not heard a single thing from the man that is either relevent, factual or viable - the we will should win the world cup when I am not in office bell end

Darlo Debs 8:41 Mon Mar 23
Re: Greg Dyke - wrong bloke wrong job
My cuz was much better at the job

Hermit Road 8:40 Mon Mar 23
Re: Greg Dyke - wrong bloke wrong job
You've just offered a series of sound bites to point out that he's Mr Soundbite. What's he done?

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